Why do lawyers struggle to get paid for the work that they do? Whether it’s the low collection rates that we see in the Clio Trends Report to lawyers offering too steep a discount, to lawyers refusing to sue their clients, and on and on, “Show me the money” is definitely not the #1 mantra for many of our fellow lawyers. 

Julie Steinbacher doesn’t know why . . .  but she’s got some ideas about how to fix it. Not only is Julie the head of a 40 person law firm throughout north-central Pennsylvania, she also runs a coaching group for lawyers called Million Dollar Solution in which she helps lawyers and other financial professionals build healthy businesses that, in turn, enable them to help more people . . . and, importantly, get paid for what they do.

We discuss Julie’s degree in Gerontology (yes, really) the booming marketing for elder attorneys (and the host - and there are a lot - of associated practice areas), how lawyers can feel comfortable developing and asking for a price that enables them to serve their clients the best way they know how, establishing good payment and collections processes to help firms get paid for the work they do, and much more.