Here on Financially Legal we often focus on the nuts and bolts of finance and economics but some the biggest obstacles to economic and business success are mental - not financial or even business-related. If ever you’ve wondered if it's your mindset that's holding you back, then this episode is for you. We dive in on mindset - and we’re doing it with someone who thinks about this deeply - Allison Williams is a Business Coach for Solo Law Firm Owners at Law Firm Mentor. She’s also the CEO and Founder of a multimillion-dollar law firm, the Williams Law Group.

This is also the first of a series of episodes this month on lawyer communities. As part of Allison’s Law Firm Mentor work, she hosts online (but hopefully soon-to-be back in-person retreats) events and retreats and runs a Facebook group of lawyers who share information about what they’re learning as they work to grow their firms. The group is free for lawyers to join and you can find out more about the group at