There’s probably no principle more important to growing and scaling a law firm than delegation. Whether it’s identifying the tasks that need to be done, teaching and coaching others to do them, or simply letting go, you’ll be hard-pressed to grow your legal business if you can’t delegate. If you’ve ever wondered how delegation might work in your firm and how to get started, this episode is for you. The COVID-19 global pandemic has accelerated powerful trends in law firm business. Perhaps one of the most obvious is the realization and interest in leveraging technology to delegate common repeatable tasks to contract professionals or even to technology itself. But how does a lawyer or law firm get started with delegation? What tools exist for firms to do this? What should a firm delegate and what should it keep?  In this episode of Financially Legal we continue our conversations with Gravity Legal clients with Lindsey Corbin the founder and managing partner of a human capital and technology delegation service. Lindsey and I discuss the keys to delegation, what you should and SHOULDN’T delegate, some of the tools that successful firms are using to unlock the power of delegation and how delegation can help you do more of what you like and less of what you don’t. Buckle up and get ready to delegate.