If you’ve considered or are considering a virtual, remote, distributed or cloud-based law firm model, this episode is for you. 

Parlatore Law Group’s mission is right there on the website:

“Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality legal services at a reasonable rate. We do this by removing all the barriers, bureaucracy and bloated overhead costs associated with traditional law firms, and instead focus on unleashing the energy and individual genius of the best legal minds in the industry.”

As we’ve all learned, taking your firm “virtual” is more than just sending everyone home with laptops. Firms need to think about everything from culture and camaraderie to getting the right technology to coordinating time zones and even Zoom etiquette. 

In this episode, I speak with Elana Bertram, a Partner at Parlatore Law Group and Tim Parlatore Founder and Managing Partner at Parlatore Law Group. As just a sampling, we discuss how and why they built a cloud-based law firm BEFORE the pandemic, why they insist on calling it "cloud-based," and why the future is bright for nimble firms like theirs.