Dan Price is a big deal. Full stop. And we got him on the podcast. The inspirational CEO of Gravity Payments. In 2015 Dan announced that he would raise the salaries of each of his employees to $70,000 annually. In doing so Dan became an overnight business celebrity. He’s been on the Today show, been interviewed by Trevor Noah, and keynoted hundreds of business conferences around the world. He breaks down how he thinks about company culture, why Gravity Payments is investing in Gravity Legal, and how he thinks lawyers can change the world.

Show Highlights:

Living his values, and integrating them into his business is very important for Dan.  Dan discusses how much he has shifted towards being inclusive, making space for many different voices, and agreeing with the values of the community, in his business. Dan talks about creating sustainable growth within his business, and the evolution of his business values. Anyone that Dan is collaborating with has an impact on what his values are, afterward. It can be difficult to incorporate all the different voices. Sticking up for the underdogs is very important for Dan. Where Dan started, bringing his mission into the world. The problem that Dan's company is facing, and solving right now. Dan shares his take on the philosophy of Peter Thiel, who wrote the book, Zero To One, founded Paypal, and was instrumental in the founding of Facebook. Everyone is trying to become a billionaire in today's world. Billionaires have become like gods and they can act with impunity and treat people however they want to. Talking about the temptation to attain and hold onto billionaire and monopoly status. At Gravity, there is a collection of people who believe in sticking up for the underdog. And for almost 17 years, they have been building a company that's organized around that principle. This has not been the rule in human history. Right now, we're going towards feudalism. We need to recognize that before it's too late. And we need lawyers to fight this fight more than anyone! Dan discusses the book Dark Money, by Jane Mayer. Whatever the lawyers think is true ends up being true for everybody.  Dan explains why he believes that the law in most places is not at all what people think it is. Setting things up to effect change and the benefits of putting the people in your business first. Things are not fair when it comes to the law, so lawyers need to learn to express their opinions publicly and explain to the general population how the law works. Dan shares his ideas for creating a better system for everyone, and for restructuring the way that law firms work so that the mission becomes more important than the money. Gravity pays its sales reps in a way that allows them to be service-oriented Giving sales reps the right kind of incentive, even if it means making fewer sales. Dan talks about the kinds of things that would make his dream come true.

Links and resources:

Dan on Twitter - Dan Price Seattle

Book mentioned:

Zero To One by Peter Thiel

Dark Money by Jane Mayer