Today, we're excited to be having a conversation with John E. Grant, the Agile Attorney. John is a compelling thinker when it comes to law firm economics, law firm efficiency, and law firm productivity. In today's episode, he shares some of the valuable lessons he learned from his experience while working for Getty Images. Be sure to listen in, to find out what John learned about growing and building a business. 

John is an Oregon-licensed attorney with a cool and funny family history. Currently, he is a member of the Board of Governors of the Oregon state bar. He is also on the board of the Commons Law Center, a low-bono legal services organization, in Portland, Oregon. John also runs a consulting practice, to help lawyers use Agile and Lean. He started his career working for Getty Images and he also used to practice as a lawyer. Tune in today, to find out what he has to share with us. 


Show Highlights:


John explains who he is, what he does, and how he thinks about the economics of law firms and legal services.  One of the strongest lessons that John took away from Getty Images. Creating much more market through ease of use and a customer experience that is as seamless as possible.  Some of the key insights from Getty that John has brought into his consulting. Bringing agile and lean to lawyers and law firms. The internet has made vast amounts of information available to everyone, for free. The biggest hurdle that the legal profession has to overcome.  John explains how he sees productizing legal services, and delivering them as a well-defined product, as the way forward for law firms.  Thinking about legal products from a Lean and Agile perspective. Looking at the portfolio model. A productized service for a flat fee. Stepping back and looking at the bigger picture to find the best problem-solving methodology. Setting change in motion by first observing the status quo. Very few lawyers focus on creating a quality customer experience. The Kanban Board is a great tool to make knowledge-work visible.  John talks about his courses, workshops, and coaching. 

Links and resources: 

John's website -  

John on Twitter - @jegrant3

Find John on Facebook - The Agile Attorney

You can also find John on LinkedIn.

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