Making poor financial decisions is a financial behavior destined to keep us poor.  Over 70% of Americans think they understand money, yet surveys show 66% can pass a very simple financial literacy test. What’s the reason for the disconnect between our actual and perceived level of financial competence? For one thing, part of the human condition is that facts don’t matter if they don’t align with one’s world view. This is one reason so many of us hold onto delusional beliefs about money, investing, and even health decisions. We tend to be reluctant to undergo the arduous, painful, humiliating process of challenging and modifying our world views.  Learn how you can begin to change your thinking. 

A podcast that blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them.
Rick Kahler, CFP®, CFT-I™, has helped people make better money decisions by integrating financial planning. He blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them and shares them on his financial therapy podcast.