If you are in your 50s or 60s, you may have reacted with concern to the numerous recent news reports in September on an announcement about Social Security.  One by Reason.com said, “Social Security Will Be Insolvent in 12 Years. Yet, another headline on the same day about the same story by CNN proclaimed.  “Social Security won’t be able to pay full benefits by 2034, a year earlier than expected due to the pandemic.” There is a big difference between Reason’s “insolvency” (bankruptcy) and CNN’s “cutting benefits.” Which is right?   

A podcast that blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them.
Rick Kahler, CFP®, CFT-I™, has helped people make better money decisions by integrating financial planning. He blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them and shares them on his financial therapy podcast.