People that have money scripts like, “You should not tell others how much money you have or make,” “Money should be saved not spent,” and “I would be a nervous wreck if I did not have money saved for an emergency,” typically struggle with Money Vigilance.  “Work hard, play hard” is a foreign concept to Money Vigilants. This money script category is associated with poor relationships, lack of leisure time or activities, poor sleep, anxiety, and a lack of having “fun”.  If you are a Money Vigilant there is a way to have money and serenity.  

A podcast that blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them.
Rick Kahler, CFP®, CFT-I™, has helped people make better money decisions by integrating financial planning. He blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them and shares them on his financial therapy podcast.