Personal bankruptcy is not something I’ve addressed in the podcast, which surprises me given the approximately one million people a year who file for bankruptcy in the U.S.  I’ll be the first to admit that listening to a podcast on insolvency or bankruptcy doesn’t relate to most of us, however by one source 25% of us are insolvent.  The topic can be as scintillating as reading about the details of estate planning or planning a funeral.  It’s easy to hit the delete key and move on to happier and more pertinent financial topics.  It’s not very relevant to most of us until it is.

A podcast that blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them.
Rick Kahler, CFP®, CFT-I™, has helped people make better money decisions by integrating financial planning. He blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them and shares them on his financial therapy podcast.