It doesn’t occur to most people to seriously consider the likelihood they may outlive their retirement income.  It is often “blown off” with an attempt to laugh it off.  It’s often one of those laughs that is more about anxiety that anything that’s actually funny.  The greatest financial risk for depleting retirement resources is an unexpected and lengthy stay in a long-term health care facility, like a nursing home or an assisted living center. Common estimates say that about 70 percent of adults over 65 will need long term care. The current reality is that there are not enough units to take care of the demand and the care is prohibitively expensive for most people.  The job will fall to family members, at a significant financial and emotional cost.   

A podcast that blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them.
Rick Kahler, CFP®, CFT-I™, has helped people make better money decisions by integrating financial planning. He blends the nuts and bolts of financial advice with the emotions that drive making them and shares them on his financial therapy podcast.