Have you thought about retiring abroad?

Oftentimes when we think of retirement, we think about sunny beaches with crystalline water shimmering in the sunshine. Could this or some other idyllic vision be your future? 

The realities of retiring abroad can be exciting, but at the same time overwhelming. Complex financial strategies need to be considered before grabbing your passport and setting off for the unknown. 

In this episode, we discuss seven crucial financial considerations that you’ll need to keep in mind if you are interested in retiring abroad.

Outline of This Episode [0:36] Overcoming frugality in retirement [2:15] More people are retiring abroad [3:44] Put together a blueprint of what life will look like for you [5:00] Dealing with finances [6:53] Dealing with taxes [8:40] Dealing with investments [10:32] Dealing with real estate [12:24] Dealing with healthcare [13:41] Dealing with estate issues


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