Massive flooding is currently taking place in China. The once vaunted Three Gorges Dam may not survive the rainy season, at least according to an increasing number of Chinese experts. And yet, you have seen nothing about it on the mainstream media. Why? Should it happen, this will be the greatest disaster in recorded history. The Yangtze River runs through cities in which 400-600 million people live. 66 nuclear power plants are in the path of massive floods that will only increase and could turn into giant tidal waves should the dam collapses. Three Gorges was built by Li Peng, the so-called butcher of Tiananmen Square. It used substandard steel and concrete, improper welding and poor design. In 1992 when construction started, Chinese technical and engineering prowess were in their beginning stages. Now they know better, but it's too late. The dam's workers have been described as frightened to death every day they work there. Why haven't you been told? Why are they hiding this? You be the judge!