Summary: While all asset classes are experiencing volatility, the self storage sector of real estate has a lot of promise. Drew Dolan comes on the show to discuss some of the advantages of investing in self storage. As the Principal and Fund Manager of DXD Capital, he is extremely knowledgable on this sector, and explains how it has flourished in recently years. If you want to know more about self storage and the logic behind investing in it, be sure to tune in to this episode. Highlights: -Real estate is up in the air, and virtually every asset class is going through tremendous volatility -Self storage is a sector of real estate that may become a beneficiary of this uncertainty -It’s extremely efficient from an operational standpoint -Picking location matters the most in self storage, and you can look at a lot of data before making investment decisions -Even though interest rates and constructions costs are up, there are still many great deals available in self storage -In development, it’s riskier and requires more effort -In the last fifteen years, the utilization of self storage has doubled -The pandemic was good for self storage; there were a lot of new users Useful Links: Financial Survival Network DXD Capital