Stock markets took off again in March: Dow added 6.6% to 32982, S&P 500 up 4.3%, Nasdaq finished flat, Russell 2000 up another 1%, TSX added 3.9% TSX.V down a big 6.5%. VIX down to a calmer 18.95. Dollar was up 2.5% to 93.24 and Euro down 2.8% to. 10 Year yield skyrocketed to 1.74%. Bitcoin went parabolic again up 23.4% to a record 58804. Gold off 1.5% to 1709. Silver off 8.6% to 24.41. PT pretty much flat. PD rose 13.4%  for the month to 2528. Dr. Copper down 4.2% to $4.01, breaking $4 per pound. WTI off 3.8% to 59.16. Brent off 3.9% to 63.54. Natgas off 5.8% to a still anemic 2.66. Uranium ran up impressive 11.7% to $31.13.  Ratios: Au/Ag 70 - Pt/Au .69 - Pt/Pd .47 - BRT/WTI 1.07 WT/HH 22.7 and AU/WTI coming back down to earth 28.9.