This is our last Monthly Major Market Review with Mickey Fulp. After 10 years and 118 shows, we’re both tired and pursuing other interests. We will still be doing periodic podcasts on different topics, so stay tuned. In December stock markets continued making new highs. Dow was up 5.4% 36338, 18.7% for the year. S&P 500 up 4.4% to 4766/26.9% for the year. Nasdaq rose a meager .7%/21.4% for the year. Russell 2000 was up just 2.1%/13.7% for 2021, TSX up 2.7%/21.7% for 2021, and TSX.V was flat for December and up just 7.3% for 2021. VIX settled down to 17.2. The Dollar was off .7% to 95.66 but up 6.4% for 2021. The Euro was up .6% to but down 6.9% for the year. 10 Year yield was flat and up 61.7% for the year. Bitcoin took a hit closing at 46214 down 18.9%, but up 59.7% for the year. Metals were all down for 2021. Gold was up 3.1% to 1830 but down 3.6% for the year. Silver added 2.0% to 23.30 but was off a major 11.6% for the year. Pt added 2.9% for the month to 963 but was off 9.2%. Pd added 10.2% for the month to 1845 but was off 21% year over year. Copper gained 9.1% to $4.43 but gained an impressive 25.9% in 2021. Energy was a big winner in 2021. WTI added 13.7% to 75.25 and added 55.1% for the year. Brent followed suit up 12.2% to 79.2 and was up 52.9% for the year. Natgas skidded 18.4% to bring it down to 3.73 but was up 46.9% for the year. Uranium lost 7.3% for the month to 42.25 but was a big winner for the year up 39.5%. Sprott along with other funds are still adding more uranium to their stash. Ratios:  Au:Ag 78.5, Pt:Au .53, Pt:Pd .52. BRT:WTI 1.05, WTI:HH 20.2, and AU:WTI 24.3.