US Stock markets DOW flat in March S&P up and NASDAQ up 2.6%. Canadian markets up and emerging markets down. Dollar up, Euro down, Bitcoin up, 10 year treasury yield way way down. Metals got hit badly, with the exception of Palladium. Copper slammed. WTI up 5.2% for the month. Natgas was down 3.6%. Uranium was back down over 10%. Gold/silver ratio approaching 86. Plat to Pal up a bit to .62. That's it for March, check back next month for April's performance.  DJIA 3/31/19            25927 0.00% S&P 500 3/31/19              2834 1.80% NASDAQ 3/31/19              7729 2.60% RUS 2000 3/31/19 1540 -2.20% TSX 3/31/19 16102 0.60% TSX.V 3/31/19 627 0.50% MCSI 3/31/19 1058 -2.24% VIX 3/31/19 13.71   DXY 3/31/19 97.20 1.10% EURO 3/31/19 112.00 -1.50% 10 Year 3/31/19 2.41 -11.70% Bitcoin 3/31/19 4076 7.20% Au 3/31/19 1292 -1.60% Ag 3/31/19 15 -3.10% Pt 3/31/19 837 -2.50% Pd 3/31/19 1364 -10.40% Cu 3/31/19 2.94 -0.50% WTI 3/31/19 60.18 5.20% Brent 3/31/19 67.58 2.30% Henry Hub 3/31/19 2.71 -3.60% U308 3/31/19 24.88 -10.30%