US Stock markets regained last month's lost ground. Canadian markets and emerging markets followed suit. Dollar flat, Euro up 1.7%, Bitcoin the month's big winner up 48.8% to 12323, 10 year treasury yield down to just 2.0%. Silver rose 5% and gold closed out at 1410. Platinum was up 5% to 834 and Palladium soared to 1516 an amazing close. Copper down nearly 3.3% to 2.71 per lb. WTI recovered 8.80% to 58.20 and Brent followed suit up 3.3% for the month. Natgas continued its slide down another 5.5%. Uranium was up  23.85. Gold/silver ratio hit 92.3. Plat to AU at .59, Plat to Pal down to .55. That's it for June, check back next month for July's performance.