The esteemed financial expert Martin Armstrong joined us today. He pointed out that his computer forecasted Panic cycles are showing events happening in 2022 and 2024. Martin discusses the beginnings of the pandemic and Build Back Better slogan that happened a year before anyone even heard of Covid-19. On the topic of cryptos, he believes that cryptos have been propagated by the government to get people familiar with and used to digital currencies an effort to eliminate paper currency. Confiscation is coming. Martin doesn’t believe that any country will allow a competing currency to exist. Martin’s bitcoin report was shutdown in Europe for the merely mentioning it. All credit card sales were shut down. Gold and silver will repeat the cycle when Russia invaded Afghanistan and hit its previous high. Will the Chinese then march into Taiwan. This appears to be shaping up for May. Gold is now being fully tracked by the government. It’s not being done with silver. Martin questions, "If they’re tracking gold this carefully, will they really allow Bitcoin to persist." As he has stated many times, "The rule of law is dead." No market implosion coming to the US. Target of Dow 35k is close to being reached. And then Dow 65k. The impending war in Europe and Asia will lead to capital flow to the US and avoid a correction here. Just as in WWI and WWII the capital will flow here. It will also lead to China marching into Taiwan. Major US Cities are in a death spiral. Migration out of cities has become a virtual human wave. Martin forecast this trend many years ago. He always thought it would be due to taxes and economics, not personal safety and the inability of these failing cities and states to keep things going. As Martin says, "In a normal business, if business is bad, you cut prices to boost sales. With government if business is bad they raise prices/taxes and thus drive business down further." That’s why the US Financial Capital is shifting from New York to Miami. Now that people can work from anywhere, they will and in the process avoid high taxes and high tax states. Inflation is finally starting to catch up. The key is that when people start seeing that it’s cheaper to buy today than tomorrow, then prices spike. Signs abound. Construction costs are escalating, commodities are rising and shortages are starting to take place. The shortages are emerging from supply chain breakdowns as well as the inability to get goods to market, as witnessed by plowing under crops. The trend is for shortages to accelerate. Things are definitely getting interesting!