Market Forecast for the remainder of 2020 and 2021. Volatility is the theme. There’s so much uncertaintly that we could go anywhere. Changing political directions mean it’s up in the air. There’s lots of pains in Blue States, small business, restaurants, etc. People are stocking up on swimming pools and RV’s. Services are getting slammed. Employees will have to retrain and reinvent. Instability economic, political and geopolitical will be a major theme for the coming year. Without a political change we’d have less uncertainty. Change can freeze spending and investments. A recession could be triggered. Inflation outlook with trillions being printed out of thin air. Low interst rates and flooding money, real estate home prices aren’t falling. The supply of resale homes is dropping and so is demand. There are indicators that inflation could be a growing factor. Not sky-rocketing yet. Above everything else, just keep saving and saving. You might need the funds to live on or you’ll have a great opportunity when prices come down

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