The U.S. dollar has joined other major currencies in a race to zero value as central banks are failing, unable to preserve purchasing power in fiat currency that has lost 100% of its value since the U.S. went completely off of the gold standard under President Nixon in 1971. The U.S. dollar, along with other major currencies around the globe, has lost over 90 percent of its value since 1971. The sad truth in this same time frame, U.S. national debt has on the average doubled every 8 years since Reagan assumed the presidency in 1981. Even more alarming, the Congressional Budget Organization (CBO) published a study last month that reported the national debt will rise to nearly twice the U.S. total economic output in 2050, an increase from less than 80 percent since last year. The last thing you want to do is give politicians a printing press, it's a surefire prescription for disaster.  A note about the election. We discussed the latest October surprise with drug addicted Hunter Biden's notebook and all the damning information contained therein. Complete with details of the Biden Crime Family, direct pay-offs to the Vice President and his family members. This is why the Mafia whacks drug addicted members because they can't be trusted and might rat them out to the Feds. Fortunately for Hunter, politics is a little bit different.