In this day and age, we can be made or broken based on what we do online. Examples of poorly crafted strategies from inappropriate attire to political goofs, keep popping up. And this shows the need to carefully craft your video and social media identity in the era of Covid. Many people don't have a clue on how to optimized their video image. Just a few days ago, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was videoconferencing on air with MSNBC from his home. In the middle of the interview, the bathroom door behind him opened and what appeared to be his African American house cleaner came out with cleaning supplies. She looked awkwardly toward the video and he at her. Then she wandered quickly out of the frame. She was not wearing a mask, and neither was he. Ironically, this was just moments after Senator Schumer had been speaking about the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on black Americans. To be fair, Senator Schumer is not the first person – and he certainly won’t be the last – to make a bad videoconferencing faux pas.