The Fed pumps another $75 billion into markets — its 3rd straight daily injection.The Federal Reserve jumped into financial markets for a third straight day on Thursday in another attempt to keep interest rates from moving higher.The central bank has injected a total of $203 billion into markets this week — $75 billion on both Wednesday and Thursday, and $53 billion on Tuesday. This week marked the first time the central bank has taken such steps since the global financial crisis 10 years ago. Visit the Markets Insider homepage for more stories. The Federal Reserve jumped into financial markets for a third straight day on Thursday in another attempt to keep interest rates from moving higher. The New York Federal Reserve said late Wednesday that it would inject another $75 billion into the market on Thursday to keep the federal funds rate within its target range. Short-term rates had earlier this week shot up as high as 10%, threatening to disrupt the bond market and the overall lending system. When will we return to the way things used to be?