Michael is the Co Founder and Financial Wellness Leader at Quantum Leap Global.

His vision is to empower people globally to create more joy, abundance and vitality through financial wellbeing.

His focus is transforming limiting beliefs and behaviors to support his clients achieve the life they desire

Ideas discussed in this episode include:

Societal conditioning and norms and the impact this has on financial wellbeing
Change your money story, change your life
Creating safe conversations around money for couples
Money and Mental Health
What impact does societal norms and conditioning have on both men and women when it comes to money
Why is money such a taboo subject
How does people's upbringing affect their financial well being
How do you transform limiting beliefs and behaviours around money
What role does the subconscious mind play in stopping people from creating financial well being
How do our our thoughts and beliefs affect our financial well being
How does money affect relationships
How do you support people to have a clear vision of their future self and live intentionally towards that vision
Why do people self sabotage their ability to create financial well-being

You can connect with Michael online at QuantumLeap-Global.com, and directly by setting up a meeting at https://www.calendly.com/quantumleapglobal

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