We are taught nothing about money in our society today - how to make, save, invest, protect, manage, grow, and invest it. We are left to model from parents, media, and society, often left with guilt, shame, and fear around money.

In this episode, I sit down with Eagle Star-Bowen, author of the “Bottom Dollar Method” and discuss:

The truth about money
Exposing the financial lies
The compound effect
What the “Bottom Dollar Method” is, and how to break free from the “rat race.”

Eagle-Star Bowen is on a huge mission to make a huge impact in the lives of the blue-collar men and women. Eagle-Star was in foster care since 9 years old and had a blue- collar upbringing. He learned what it was like to work very hard for everything his family had in their lives. With that he found there was a huge lack of financial education amongst working class families. Eagle-Star has a passion to correct a financial injustice done to the working class and middle class individuals and families. Eagle-Star has a drive to serve with integrity and character while ensuring a strong financial foundation to be set through education and implementation. He strives to help every day blue-collar and working class individuals, businesses, and families build a sustainable and prosperous financial future both for themselves and the following generations to come. 

You can connect with Eagle-Star online at BottomDollarMethod.com

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