In this engaging episode, we invite the talented Morgan McCarver, an artist whose journey is as compelling as her creations. Morgan, renowned for her work in ceramics and as a pioneering author, takes us on a narrative voyage through her life, art, and the interplay of her deep faith.

Our discussion with Morgan will delve into the profound impact her scoliosis journey has had on her life and art, revealing the resilience and transformation that can emerge from personal challenges. We will explore her acclaimed ceramics career, sparked by a major scoliosis surgery, and how this led to her evocative book, "God the Artist."

Morgan will share her experiences as a Christian artist navigating a complex world, discussing how she balances her spiritual beliefs with her creative expression. We'll also tap into her insights on the reemergence of traditional techniques like slip casting in contemporary art and what this signifies for the future of ceramics.

The episode will not only highlight Morgan's artistic achievements, including her multiple awards and solo exhibitions, but also her journey in publishing her first book. She will open up about the process of getting a book published, from concept to print, and the lessons learned along the way.

As someone who actively serves in her church's youth program, Morgan will reflect on the importance of community involvement and mentorship in her life. We'll also discuss how she maintains a balance between her multifaceted roles as an artist, author, mentor, and entrepreneur.

Join us in this enlightening episode of "Artful Resilience" as we uncover the layers of Morgan McCarver's artistic journey, her inspirations, challenges, and the seamless weaving of her faith into her art and life. Prepare to be inspired by a story of creativity, courage, and conviction.

To connect with Morgan, visit her website:

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