In this podcast interview, we discuss the origins of Doctor's Choice USA, the complex landscape of the healthcare insurance, the work that Doctor's Choice USA is doing to solve the friction points, and the realities of becoming a physician entrepreneur.   Bio: Passionate about improving healthcare through helping individuals live healthier lives, Dr. Johnny Luo is the founder of Doctor’s Choice, a company with a mission to provide clear and concise education to employers and retirees about Medicare.   Dr. Luo is the author of the “Retiree’s Guide to Medicare: What your insurance company does not want you to know” as well as the author of over 15 peer reviewed medical articles on regenerative health.   

Bio: Dr. Luo is a graduate of Brown University and the Alpert Medical School at Brown University, and can reached at

Today's episode is in partnership with The Scope of Practice Marriage and Money MD Summit where you will learn about how to achieve success in each of these pillars for an optimal life and well-being. It is happening November 15-17. It is completely free to sign-up with optional upgrades and bonuses at the end.