As the saying goes, Input = output. What we put into our bodies is extremely important for optimal output in every aspect of our lives. In this episode, I bring on Dr. Colin Zhu, DO (aka Chef Doc), is a physician, speaker, and entrepreneur, host of the Thrive Bites Podcast, and author of Thrive Medicine. We will discuss his path-journey, and his recent summit Thr5 - which brings on speakers and experts in food, finances, wellness, athletics, and incorporating their principles into resiliency during these extremely challenging times.

Bio: Dr. Colin Zhu is Board-Certified in family practice/OMT and lifestyle medicine. Passionate about the intersection of medicine, food, and nutrition, Dr. Zhu trained as a chef and a health coach at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health & Culinary Arts and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition following completion of his medical degree. To share his unique blend of medical knowledge with a wider audience, Dr. Zhu launched TheChefDoc website, an online wellness and lifestyle education platform which has been featured in several publications. Dr. Zhu is an international speaker, the author of "Thrive Medicine: How To Cultivate Your Desires and Elevate Your Life,“ and is the podcast host of Thrive Bites in which he interviews the latest health and wellness experts about incorporating a plant-powered lifestyle, enhancing emotional wellness, and creating a thriving mindset! His latest venture was hosting the first virtual summit experience called The THR5 Formula where he combines inspiration, education, and practical tools on how to THRIVE!  

Dr. Colin Zhu's website, podcast, and contact can be found at His book - Thrive Medicine: How To Cultivate Your Desires and Elevate Your Life - can be found here -