Tune in to this week's latest podcast episode where we bring on Dr. Charlotte Akor, MD and she shares her path and journey as a pediatric opthalmologist into the mysterious world of medical billing and coding through her book, and as a consultant.

Bio:  Dr. Charlotte Akor (a.k.a. Dr. Charlotte) is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist, Certified Medical Chart Auditor (CMCA-E/M), and an internationally recognized speaker and consultant. In addition, she is a sought-after expert on billing and coding and understanding the financial language of medical practice.

Dr. Charlotte meets with early-career physicians and clinicians one on one and in the group setting to teach them the alphabet soup of billing and coding and how those rules apply in the practice of medicine. She also helps medical practices with chart audits so that they can stay in compliance with the extensive rules and regulations required in clinical documentation. She uses her extensive knowledge base to help clinicians and practices understand billing, coding, and collections so they can continue to serve their patients.

As the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Dr. Charlotte- Billing, Coding, and Auditing Services she discusses real-world strategies for physicians to understand the rules of billing and coding so clinicians can get reimbursed for the care they provide. Dr. Charlotte also shares her medical billing and coding expertise in her book, Medical Coding Decoded: A Simple Guide to Understanding and Applying Codes in Your Practice. Her second book: Medical Compensation Decoded is a more comprehensive manual on how young ophthalmologists can get paid for their work.

Dr. Charlotte is currently an employed physician in Abilene, Texas. Dr. Charlotte's mission in life is simple: be passionate, grow and learn and have fun. Dr. Charlotte helps physicians understand the RVU system, how to document appropriately for the level of service, how to use telemedicine codes, and how to maximize reimbursement from procedures and tests, and how to survive a medical audit.

Dr. Charlotte earned her undergraduate degree from Yale College. She earned her medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine. She completed her ophthalmology residency at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She completed an Ocular Pathology fellowship at Emory University and a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship at the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta hospital.

Her book(s),

"Medical Coding Decoded: A Simple Guide to Understanding and Applying Medical Codes in Your Practice" can be found here -https://amzn.to/3yfYyyT

"Medical Compensation Decoded: A Simple Guide for New Ophthalmologists to Understand Billing, Coding, and Collections" can be found here - https://amzn.to/3okMd89

She can be contacted on her website www.drcharlottemd.com

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