In a world today characterised by economic uncertainty and market volatility, it is harder to preserve your wealth and become finally independent. 

In this episode of #FinancialFox, Steffy speaks with Alan Steel, founder and chairman of Alan Steel Asset Management, an independent  financial adviser since 1975. Alan has survived 5 stock market crashes and his advise has been constantly proved successful increasing his client wealth over time.



Fears of rising inflation 

Analysts are predicting rising inflation rates over the coming months which means that investors must adapt their strategies to make sure gains are above inflationary levels. Alan believes that the tech sector has proved to be resilient and could be good options. Gold and gold-linked assets could work for more cautious investors. 


Financial planning and Tax efficiency 

The best time to think about your retirement "was 25 years ago" joked Alan. He shares insights about his approach to financial and tax planning which is done according to each investors' needs and objectives. 


Gold, silver & precious metals

It is worth having some exposure to gold and precious metals, says Alan, as economic uncertainty tends to favour safe-haven assets. However, these are unprecedented times so markets may behave differently, he adds.