🔍 Explore Bitget's Remarkable Journey:
Established in 2018, Bitget has rapidly become a global force, currently serving over eight million users across 60 countries. As a trailblazer in crypto copy trading and derivatives exchanges, Bitget has earned its place among the top five globally for derivatives trading volume.

💼 Key Points Explored in the Interview:

01:04 - Intro to the Episode: Stefania sets the stage for an insightful conversation with Gracy Chen.

03:25 - Intro to Gracy: Delve into Gracy's journey in the crypto space and her role as Managing Director of Bitget.

05:25 - Gracy's Crypto Flavor: Uncover whether Gracy leans towards Bitcoin, altcoins, or a mix of both and explore her unique perspective on the crypto market.

08:08 - Bitget's Story: Gain insights into the inception and growth of Bitget as a powerhouse in the cryptocurrency exchange industry.

11:36 - Utility of Bitget Token (BGB): Explore the role and significance of Bitget's native token in the Bitget ecosystem.

14:15 - Focusing on Product Aspects: Discover the strategic focus areas Bitget emphasizes to maintain a competitive edge against other exchanges.

18:31 - Layer Two Solutions: Understand Bitget's approach to layer two solutions, exploring the possibility of building proprietary solutions or fostering partnerships.

19:48 - Bitget's VC Ecosystem: Learn about Bitget's venture capital arm and its role in investing in infrastructure projects.

20:25 - Navigating Regulatory Landscape: Gracy shares insights into how Bitget navigates the evolving regulatory landscape and the role of regulation in the crypto industry.

24:12 - Thoughts on Tokenization: Explore Gracy's perspectives on tokenization and any potential plans for Bitget to enter this space.

25:40 - Long-Term Plans for Bitget: Gain a glimpse into Bitget's vision and long-term plans in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

28:45 - Being a Woman in Crypto: Gracy reflects on her experience as a woman in the crypto industry, sharing insights on how to enhance gender diversity.

36:00 - Outro: Stefania concludes the interview, leaving viewers with key takeaways from this engaging conversation.

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🔗 Stay Connected:
📌 Follow Stefania on LinkedIn:   / stefaniabarbaglio  
📌 Follow Stefania on Twitter:   / stefixy  
📌 Follow Gracy on Linkedin:   / gracychen  
📌 Follow Bitget on Twitter:   / bitgetglobal  

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