Welcome back to the Financial Conversation podcast! We hope you enjoyed your holidays and we are excited to be back on the show!

We've made a few changes to the show. For one, we'll be doing the podcast in seasons with each season having an overarching theme that all of the episodes will be related to. We think this will make it easier for you to find information on specific topics, and it will help us organize our thoughts to provide you with more valuable conversations and resources.

If you want to catch up on episodes from last season, you can find them here.

For season two, the theme is self care and being the best you can be.

We kicked off season two this week with our first episode about why we chose NOT to set New Year's Resolutions. Instead, we are all trying to use habits to reach our goals this year.

Why We Decided to Use Habits Instead of Resolutions

First, we talk about the differences between goals and resolutions, including why goals might be a better way to get things done. We also discuss how goals alone are not enough. It's the daily habits you practice that will actually help you achieve your goals.

Erin even reveals why she doesn't set goals and instead relies only on her habits to work toward her long-term ideas. Plus, Chonce and Kayla talk about how they've failed with goals in the past because of life's ever-changing circumstances. It's clear that for the three of us, habits are the way to.

In this episode we discuss: 2:03 - Have you ever set New Year's Resolutions? 2:18 - The difference between goals and resolutions 3:33 - Why habits are more flexible than resolutions 6:18 - The habits we are implementing this year 12:28 - Have you ever reversed a bad habit? 16:10 - The "One Word for the Year" trend 21:28 - Habits can help you achieve a goal without ever setting one 27:33 - How "over-goaling" can be a bad thing Related Links to Check Out: Ep. 1 - Our Financial Goals for the Year Ep. 43 - How to Deal with the Obsession of Earning More Money Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Steven Guise