With college graduation having just taken place a few weeks ago, we thought we should talk about some of the money mistakes we made, and people we know have made after graduating from college.

When you have just graduated college, you might think that the world is at your fingertips, and if you've just landed a full-time career job, you may feel on top of the world since you will likely be earning more money than you've ever earned before in your life. However, this doesn't mean you can spend your money foolishly.

Here are some of the things we wish we had known about money when we graduated college.

In this episode we discuss:

1:45 – How to do your taxes 4:30 – Paying off student loans 7:00 – Saving during college and after graduating college 11:30 – Don't overestimate or overspend your income 13:10 – Things we regret doing wrong with money 16:50 – High yield savings accounts 21:10 – How to dress to impress for less 29:45 – Building credit and using credit wisely 40:00 – Saving for retirement

Related links to check out:

Credit Karma Credit Sesame IRS Turbo Tax Tax Act Betterment CapitalOne 360 Episode 5: The Truth About Student Loan Debt Episode 21: Things You Always Wanted to Know About Money (But Didn’t Want to Ask) Episode 18: Overcoming Shopping Addictions
