Today, we are excited to be sharing our 10th episode with you. And if that’s not enough to get you pumped up, we are also excited to be talking about a topic that can have a major impact on your personal finances: real estate.

We are talking about whether you should choose to buy or rent a property and the effects of both when it comes to personal finances.

Choosing where to live is a real-life personal finance decision that we all face, and it might be one that many of you are facing during this spring home-buying season.

In this episode we discuss:

2:00 – Financial Implications of Renting vs. Buying and Pros & Cons of Both
16:00 – The "American Dream House" Do you need that much space?
18:30 – Determining the Best Decision for You: Should you rent or buy?
26:15 – FHA loans for first-time home buyers
30:30 – When is the best time to buy a house?
35:30 – How self-employment affects buying and renting real estate
42:10 – Should you ever pay off your mortgage early?
48:40 – Would we do the anything differently when it comes to the real estate decisions we've made in the past?
