“In a world that’s going so fast, if you can find the space in yourself that can truly slow down than everything else you’ll find is a lot clearer.”

In this episode Sid and I got a rare chance to sit with our friend Ryion Pun while he was with us in Seattle from the Singapore office. Ryion is the Finance Director of Data Center Operations for the APAC region here in AWS infrastructure.

Today we talked about quieting the mind, keeping life uncluttered, and learning to use the least amount of force to have the biggest impact possible – straight from the school of Bruce Lee.

This was the inspiration we needed for a cleansing of the mind. Find a quiet place, grab yourself a warm chamomile tea and please enjoy!

2:26 | Ryion’s fitness regimen & meditation

4:45 | Ryion growing up – learning to ride a 2 wheeler in secret

8:45 | Coming to the US for undergrad, studying info. systems at UW – a compromise from Computer Engineering & Business

10:35 | First gig – managing the music database for Real – ripping CD’s! and making a music website!

14:50 | Amazon (re)origin story – talking to a mentor and an opening in Singapore

19:15 | What makes a good candidate? - Integrity

20:20 | Tip for helping people to speak up in meetings – be the ice breaker. Come in, say hello up front, the rest of the meeting it will be easier to speak up

25:40 | Thoughts on finding a mentor – there are different types of people for different situations

27:50 | Biggest ways you’ve changed your mind over your career? – Calmer, listen more

28:30 | Studying The philosophy of Bruce Lee’s (Wing Chun martial arts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_Chun) – least force for most impact

31:45 | What does Ryion like to read? Things that make you think, how the brain works // Current Book - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (light reading!) https://www.julianjaynes.org/resources/books/ooc/

35:00 | Ryion’s philosophy in life – keeping life simple, minimalism, reducing clutter in life and in your head

37:20 | Favorite movies –Disney! Saturday morning cartoons!

38:55 | Lunch with 3 historical figures: Only 2 - Bruce Lee & Kobe Bryan – people who have put 110% into perfecting something

41:10 | Life advice – none, be yourself, have fun, enjoy it, find a thing you want to be really good at  

Ryion on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryion-pun/  



Website | https://www.charleskunken.com/podcast

Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/financeguyspodcast/

Email | [email protected] (Hit us up! Questions, comments, requests for guests, etc)

Sid on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhodi/
Charlie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charleskunken

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Theme music by Good Baby. ‘Rose Colored’.  You can peep the full music video here: https://www.goodbaby.band/musicvideos