With over 28 years experience in the Finance Industry, winning multiple national awards both as Broker of the Year and as a Mentor of the Year,  you could say Tracie has seen it all.  Working her way up from a Junior Bank Teller to the Youngest Female Branch Manager with Suncorp, hard work and determination was definitely something she had in spades.  Taking the leap away from Corporate to became a Finance Broker and work for herself, Tracie's self-confidence and determination saw her excel where many did not.  

In this episode, Dien chats to Tracie about her amazing journey, and tries to get into her mindset about the successful methods and systems that helped her and her team to be one of the industry leaders.  It was through this success that she wanted to share what she had learnt and leave a lasting legacy that Tracie started one of the first Mentoring programs in Australia before "mentoring"  became a compulsory requirement in the industry. This recipe saw multiple Mentees win awards and go on to create their own successful brokerages under her stewardship.