Lisa Pozzoni is not out to coach elite-level runners, Lisa loves coaching new runners and helping them find join in running and finishing things they may have thought were impossible. 


:40 How is your typical coaching client different

2:01 How did you get started in running?

3:06 How did you get introduced to Chi Running?

4:55 You say you coach back of the pack runners, paint us an avatar of your typical clients

6:15 You have very active on Instagram and many of your photos are of groups and people having fun, how does that play a role?

7:23 Most of the runners you coach are new runners?

7:55 Most new runners don't think they need a coach

9:40 You do a lot of 'group selfies' so how often are your client's people you meet in person vs online coaching?

10:25 How are you using Final Surge?

11:25 In what way are these new runners usually finding you?

12:14 With a new runner what are your first steps in working with them?

13:31 What do your training programs look like?

14:23 Are you doing a large amount of ultra training as part of your coaching business?

15:38 How was the transition for you moving up to ultra distances?

16:46 What is the 212k Challenge?

18:03 How often do you work with them in person?

18:24 What advice do you have for a newer runner if they are wondering if they need a coach or not?

19:21 What advice do you have for people who may be back of pack runners with not getting discouraged?

21:20 Free e-book gift for new runners


Final Surge 5 questions in under a minute

Favorite endurance/running book? - Born to Run
Current trainers you are wearing? - Altra
Favorite race? - Monument Valley 50k
Favorite recovery meal or recovery drink? - Craft Beer
Your favorite workout - Long runs on trail