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Parker Stinson is one of the top young American distance runners around and is known for his aggressiveness. In episode 97 we talk to Parker about his first marathon and how he went for it and hear about how that plan blew up on him. Parker shares with us what the game plan is for the Chicago Marathon. We have some amazing world class athletes and coaches scheduled over the next few weeks, so make sure you hit subscribe on your favorite podcasting app so you don't miss any of the action. 


How did you get started running when you were young?

11-12 years old father and sister were training AAU Nationals vs Club Soccer and Hockey Went to Oregon

Why did you choose Oregon?

I just wanted a scholarship to any school Went to 2008 Trials at Oregon and never saw anyone care about track like that Junior year won State and made US Juniors team and Oregon became a possibility

Oregon is a tough environment. You are expected to win Pac-12 and compete at nationals. Did that help you get ready for a professional career?

You need to score at the conference meet and get to nationals or hey will find someone who will  Made me tough and taught me to get better and be prepared

You said when considering Oregon you thought it was a good place for a professional runner. Did you identify early that you wanted to be a professional runner?

I never knew what it meant, but yes was what I was working for Towards the end of college, options became real and understood it

Often times a 26-year old is still focusing on the track, but you have moved to the marathon. Are you done with the track now?

Focusing on the marathon, but not done with track I want to work on track to focusing on things like the 10k

What was the worst race experience you ever had?

Junior year in Oregon running great 3rd a Pac-12 Went to NCAA's and felt strung out before the race Nationals finished 240th out of 244

What did you learn from that experience?

Started working with a sports psychologist  Realized I had some allergies issues that lead to panic attacks

Why Colorado to live and train?

I signed with Sacouny  Had Achilles surgery where could not run  Was looking for a change of scenery Knew Brad Hudson 

Brad is best known for his marathon training was CIM your idea or his?

Wasn't my idea Was a good idea to get the ball rolling towards i We were planning on running Houston but felt ready earlier

During CIM Twitter was blowing up on your race and how you were going for it, can you walk us through that ace?

Ran like training: No fear I had no plan to be alone, but they did not come with me I kept telling myself I was going too fast but splits stayed consistent Mile 12 started having a little pain in the calf Mile 18-19 I was still shocked was running so fast and decided to slow down a little Then it hit me the last couple of miles and was passed at mile 23 Finished at 7:00/mile pace

The next day what your conversation with the coach like?

We knew we were going to run hard and not care what anything else thinks Disappointed because I could have pulled it off, but understood 

What is the goal for Chicago?

Break 2:11 I feel like im in better shape than that right now I want to execute a good race I need a good marathon mark on the boards

We recently talked to Aaron Braun about his Chicago, do you ever plan to run together with someone like that?

If the 2:05 guys go that fast we could have our own separate race Would love to have a couple Americans break 2:11 Problem is some are more laid back and I am more aggressive

How has your training been going to date?

Amazing, way better than the lead up to CIM Been working on a video series 35k at 5:12 pace in Boulder workout I am fit enough, just don't want to get hurt or overdue it now

What has changed a lot in your workouts now that you are a marathon runner?

Fueling has been huge Longer fast runs Gone from 7-day calendar to 10-day calendar with more rest 

Final Surge 5 questions in under a minute

Favorite endurance/running book? - Running with the Buffaloes
Current trainers you are wearing? - Sacounty Triump iso 4
Favorite race? - 1/2 marathon
Favorite recovery meal or recovery drink? - Smoothie with extra protien 
Your favorite workout - Long Fast Runs

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