In which we get our motor runnin', and head out on the highway. Flimp asks for a good kicking. Ransome takes his rightful place. Mirror gets more than he asks for.

Jeremy: DM
Erin: Hydra - Water Genasi Death Cleric of Null
Navarran: Lord Ransome - Human Paladin of The Red Knight
Antitonic: Flimp Plim - Forest Gnome Barbarian
korvys: Mirror's Reflection - Tabaxi Warlock
Zaghrog: Talon Netherpeak - Human Wizard

Thanks to all of our supporters at for making this possible!

Especially our $25+ Donors:

  • Antitonic

  • Drevian Alexander

  • Kat Waterflame

  • Rowan Parker

  • Samantha Bates