Son of the Old Left, father of the New Left, sworn enemy of the whole left -- "a century from now," in the words of Camille Paglia, "cultural historians will find David Horowitz's political and spiritual odyssey paradigmatic for our time." We gallop to the Rockies to catch up with the historic writer-warrior as he confronts his most powerful enemy yet...
To follow the complete adventure, subscribe at for the encore episode from this encounter and much more.


Recommended reading: Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey and Mortality & Faith: Reflections on a Journey Through Time by David Horowitz


Shakespeare, Peter Collier, Ron Radosh, Raiders, Roger Goodell, Donald Trump, Ed Snyder, Mark Davis, Sontag, Rosenberg execution, Ramparts, Black Panthers, Robert Sheer, Isaiah Berlin, Erich Fromm, Tom Hayden, Huey Newton, Reason Magazine, Bill Kristol, Martin Luther, Pope Francis, Erdogan, Mel Gibson, Jesus, Protestants, Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, Joan Didion, Ben Stein, 1939, supernatural diner experience, Bernie Sanders, Christopher Hitchens, Todd Gitlin, Mollie Hemingway, Henry Louis Gates, capitalism and rap, Twin Peaks, Mario Savio, Pascal, Paul Robeson, Charlie Chaplin’s moonwalk, Morgan, Winter’s Tale, AIDS, Larry Littlejohn, Van Morrison, Cocaine
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