Shant Mesrobian is the most devastating critic of media discourse in America and co-creator, with Zaid Jilani, of the substack INQUIRE. But how did he go from founding and running the liberal watchdog outlet Media Matters in 2004 to becoming one of its greatest enemies today? To find out, I met Shant at Presidio Park, an elevated cliffside landmark with some very singular views of...Alcatraz. The second chapter of my San Francisco Quartet is a story about being yanked from a dream, even though you never fell asleep.


Sights: San Francisco, Real World MTV, Gary V, Trading Card Business, Red Pill Diaries, The View, Norm Macdonald, Louis CK, Patrice O’Neal, September 11, Antiwar patriotism, Media Matters, MoveOn dot org, Ron Paul’s shortcomings, Bernie 2016, The Onion, Babylon Bee, Jon Stewart / Colbert / Chappelle, Talk radio, NPR, CSPAN Book TV, David Frum, Nassim Nicholas Taleb


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