Believe it or not, we have another listener request. Several months late, but we got there. 

This request comes in from an old Fifa Pro Clubs acquaintance of mine, the colourful Jack Nash. Mr Nash has set up bundles of goals for me over the years, with 1 in 20 crosses finding their intended target. 

Thanks for the memories, Nashy. 

Who fancies a pre-Christmas Thanksgiving-inspired Michael Bay turkey that could explode any second?  

Are you a Tight Arse?

(A Ben & Tom episode - prepare for bone dry humour and challenges to the absurd.)

(Head Over To Our Website for The Full Episode Notes!)

Topics discussed during the episode include:

Our Waterworld episode is several months old now. Not listened yet? Shame on you.So it turns out Kevin Costner was delivering letters in The Postman? Who knew? Tom sounds sheepish when I probe him on just how he got into his 12A showing of The Island at the tender age of 11? Do you like Mayhem? Does Bay have complete control of his cameras? How do you enter the kitchen for breakfast? Cartwheel with Tiesto booming in the background? Just me then.  Ben defends CGI...Ben calls CGI lazy...Will there ever be a place in cinema for CGI dentures? Does Sean Bean make it? Who wants to join us in liberating clones whilst listening to Joyful, triumphant music? 

TIGHT ARSE: Are you a Tight Arse?

Support the Show.

The FF crew can now be found over on our brand spanking new podcast: PUSH PULL HEALTH

With a temper as short as her legs, Fiona joins Ben each week to forcefully 'Push Your Health From The Pulls Of Life.'

Expect foul-mouthed narcissistic ramblings on fitness, nutrition, film, and life coaching.

The Weekly Audio & Video Expansion on The world famous 'The Daily Rot' email includes:

Usefully Useless Fitness and Diet advice.
Half-arsed film reviews.
The exploitation of children.
True Crime recommendations.
Nutritious leprechaun-inspired recipes
Narcissistic wisdom.


I'm Ben, the only health coach who allows you to embrace your Rotten attitude toward exercise and nutrition.

I'm not your conventional personal 'rep counter' trainer.

Ok, that was lame!

How about this...

"You either die a Health Rotter or live long enough to become Rotten."

You can only start consuming this content if you tell me where I got the inspiration to poop out that life-changing quote.

Nah, cake for everyone!

Just not Dan Machholz.

Fulfil Your Health Destiny.

There's something for everyone, and no one

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