Quizmaster Frank Soldato has found himself in Los Angeles, California USA on business. Upon deciding that he can't live without the thrill of a quiz, Frank traps two new quizzlings, Rob Heath and Ben Hallam, and forces them to face off (fully clothed? Naked? This editor can only presume so much!) in his diabolical California-themed film quiz!

With rounds such as the life and work of Cameron Crowe, sports movies, and a soundtrack round re-visiting some old TV themes from a previous quiz, Frank will guide these two newbies through a cinematic descent into LA-themed madness. Will they hold a candle to the two quizzlings trapped in London, or will they be taken to the bank of the river like George took Lenny and left to pet the alfalfa-fed rabbits in the sky!?

As always we are looking to discuss what you've been watching, so add either LukeAdam, or Quizmaster Frank on Letterboxd and tag your review 'filmageddon' and we'll dissect them piece by piece. No dramatic shit either. Get to the point, ya dig?

The next live quiz will be held at The Prince Charles Cinema on April 20th at 8:45pm. Tickets are available at their box office or online, right now!

IF YOU WOULD BE A DEAR and check out the Filmageddon Youtube as we've got a new show called #Shot4Shot where the Filmageddon crew watch terrible films, all the while drinking a shot every 15 minutes. Sounds fun? Hopefully! We'll be doing some more so subscribe if you wouldn't mind. We'd be mighty mighty appreciative.

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