#E15 Bling of the month: Interview with Natascha Drubek | News: Marcus Stiglegger about his book "Handbuch Filmgenre" and the Podcast "Projektionen – Kinogespräche" | Dear Diary: A look back to the year 2020.

Interview with Natascha Drubek

In this episode, Natascha Drubek is the “Bling of the month”. She is an outstanding expert in Eastern European Film and Film History. She talks about her book „Filme über Vernichtung und Befreiung. Die Rhetorik der Filmdokumente aus Majdanek 1944-1945“. Furthermore, she gives insight into her current work on the book “The Theresienstadt Film Project”. In addition, she reports on the peer-reviewed academic OA-Journal “Apparatus”. (00:02:16-00:53:32)



In the News Chapter, it’s all about the “Handbuch Filmgenre. Geschichte – Ästhetik – Theorie”, edited by Marcus Stiglegger. In addition to the handbook, the News Chapter will draw attention to the Podcast “Projektionen – Kinogespräche” of which Marcus is co-host. Furthermore, a brief mention is made of the upcoming Podcast “Dritte Klappe – Podcast für Film, Forschung und Wissenstransfer”. The News Chapter is in German. (00:53:32-1:23:39)



In the Dear Diary Chapter, Anna Luise Kiss looks back on her research activities in 2020. (1:23:39)