Previous Episode: 095: Carrie (2013)

Downloads: iTunes, Spotify, RSS, Youtube Film Runners 096: A long overdue spooky month episode appears! Insha choose’s Lars Von Trier’s portrait of a serial killer film, The House That Jack Built (2018). Hosts:Michael Walls-Kelly (@mwallsk)Tim Harvey (@TimothyRHarvey)Insha Fitzpatrick (@benwyyatt) Official Twitter: @thefilmrunners Air Date: 2020/11/12 Film Runners cover art and logo designed by Aaron Sambey

Downloads: iTunesSpotifyRSSYoutube

Film Runners 096: A long overdue spooky month episode appears! Insha choose’s Lars Von Trier’s portrait of a serial killer film, The House That Jack Built (2018).

Michael Walls-Kelly (@mwallsk)
Tim Harvey (@TimothyRHarvey)
Insha Fitzpatrick (@benwyyatt)

Official Twitter: @thefilmrunners

Air Date: 2020/11/12

Film Runners cover art and logo designed by Aaron Sambey

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