Previous Episode: 084: New Jack City (1991)
Next Episode: 086: The Rock (1996)

Downloads: iTunes, Spotify, RSS, Youtube Film Runners 085: “A surgeon never kills a patient. An anesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.” In this classic Insha pick, she picks Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017), directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and starring Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, and Barry Keoghan. Find out if Tim just peace’d out of […]

Downloads: iTunesSpotifyRSSYoutube

Film Runners 085: “A surgeon never kills a patient. An anesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.”

In this classic Insha pick, she picks Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017), directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and starring Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, and Barry Keoghan. Find out if Tim just peace’d out of the film really early or really really early.

Insha Fitzpatrick (@benwyyatt)
Michael Walls-Kelly (@mwallsk)
Tim Harvey (@TimothyRHarvey)

Official Twitter: @thefilmrunners

Air Date: 2020/06/10

Film Runners cover art and logo designed by Aaron Sambey

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