The Jacket (2005) is one of those "deep" movies we thought was cool in high school, and the Film Runners analyse it as closely as the close-ups on "old" Kris Kristofferson's face. Will we survive this journey through time and unconvincing accents?

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Film Runners 019: The Jacket (2005) is one of those “deep” movies we thought was cool in high school, and the Film Runners analyse it as closely as the close-ups on “old” Kris Kristofferson’s face. Will we survive this journey through time and unconvincing accents?


Billy Seguire (@thebillyseguire)

Insha Fitzpatrick (@benwyyatt)

Michael Walls-Kelly (@mwallsk)

Official Twitter: @thefilmrunners

Air Date: 2017/02/04

Film Runners cover art and logo designed by Aaron Sambey

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