Composer Siddhartha Khosla’s music has been the backbone to a multitude of TV series such as The Royals, The Runaways, The Kids Are Alright, and the hit NBC series This Is Us. His versatility and talents as a storyteller have made him a standout voice in the industry.

Siddhartha shares his path to becoming a composer and how spending his early life in India helped shape his musical taste and heritage. Siddhartha talks about all the many musical influences in his life, and how a phone call from an old college buddy convinced him to come score a TV series.

That college buddy was Dan Fogelman, the creator of This Is Us. It was Dan who called up Siddhartha back when he had the show The Neighbors on ABC, and Dan convinced Siddhartha to come score the second season of that series. This sparked a creative relationship that then carried over to This Is Us, where Siddhartha gets to truly explore his voice as a storyteller.

Learn about the musical approach to This Is Us and how Siddhartha approached scoring the pilot, and then fleshed out the music through the first season. Learn how the music evolves across the 3 seasons of the show so far, and how Siddhartha tackles the show’s unique structure of multiple storylines, flashbacks, and flash forwards. Siddhartha also talks about using elements of Indian music in the score, and how creator Dan Fogelman encourages him to go down unique paths that speak to Siddhartha’s musical stylings.

Siddhartha Khosla’s versatility and ability to hone in and help characters and emotions feel organic have become an essential part of what makes This Is Us work so well. It was a real pleasure to explore his process and gain insight from his career path so far.

A Film.Music.Media Interview | Produced & Presented by Kaya Savas