Our good friend Henry Jackman joins us for another great discussion. This is Henry's 9th time as a guest on Film.Music.Media, so if you're looking for more extensive discussions on his past projects be sure to check out our past interviews.


For this discussion we rewind back to Henry's days as an album producer and programmer before he ever even thought he'd become a film/tv/game composer. Experience old stories about how Henry worked on albums with artists like Seal, Sally Oldfield, Mike Oldfield, Coolio, Conner Reeves, Michael Gordon, and others.


Then we dive right into Henry's continued collaboration with the Russo brothers, and hear some stories from their past collaborations on films like Captain America: Winter Soldier and Cherry.


Then we dive right into their latest collaboration for The Gray Man starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, which is now streaming on Netflix. Hear about how Henry worked several months on The Gray Man suite before they even started shooting to help shape the mood and tone for the film, plus some of Henry's favorite scenes and set pieces to work on in the film and what he was going for with his approach.


A Film.Music.Media Interview | Produced & Presented by Kaya Savas