Composer Lesley Barber takes some time to share her journey to becoming a composer and some insights into her process. Lesley's talents and versatility have brought us memorable scores to films such as Hysterical Blindness, Mansfield Park, You Can Count On Me, and recently the critically-acclaimed Manchester By The Sea. We chat about her process for Manchester By The Sea including reconnecting with writer/director Kenneth Lonergan for their second film together. Lesley explains how she came up with the inspiration to utilize vocals in her score, and how she navigated a heavy subject matter as well as source music. Lesley also gives her views on her score being rejected from Oscar consideration due to the use of classical pieces in the film. Lesley's unique style and strong talents as a musical storyteller make this a fun and fascinating interview for all.

Interview Produced & Presented By: Kaya Savas

Special Thanks:
Lesley Barber
Chandler Poling
Adrianna Perez
White Bear PR